Hello! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever it is where you are, and welcome to the Annoy Dad Website.
Annoy Dad is a UK smallholder, attempting to raise some animal, and make some money from a small area of Sussex countryside. Not afraid to admit mistakes, follow us on Youtube to see what we are getting up to. We cover many different projects, and do many activities. All from a 4 acre smallholding on the Sussex coast.
From Chickens to ducks, quails to Geese, we breed and raise many types of poultry and water fowl. We also have Turkeys and bees, and the farm has big expansion plans for 2021!
Bees were a new addition to the farm in 2019, and these will now be used to expand our range of products.
We aim to release new videos at least once per week, and the latest videos can be seen below. We welcome fan comments and questions. We can be reached by sending an email to annoy at annoydad.com, or check us out on Twitter and Facebook