For the Monday With The Poultry this week, we look at cleaning the big chicken coop out. This coop has been left to deep pile over the winter, and its now time to clean it out.
The big chicken coop is deep piled bedding. What this means is that we add more clean bedding, on top of the older stuff. This allows the chickens to dig through it, root around and churn it all over. It doesn’t smell that much at all, and compared to many other bedding styles, is one of the best (in our opinion). You can see in the video that it is dry, and still of great quality, even though its being removed.
As well as changing the bedding, we also wanted to move the perches. These perches were placed where they are after they came out of a shed. We’ve never adjusted them to fir the size of our coop, so this is a chore that is long over due. We also had to move a support that was lifting the roof up, to stop rain water getting into the coop.
The video is up on YouTube and can be seen below:
Although we didn’t get the time to fully complete everything we wanted to do in this day, we will be doing the rest over the following week. Watch out for next weeks episode where we’ll show what has been achieved.